Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Understanding the Early Pregnancy Symptom

An early pregnancy symptom tells a woman early in the pregnancy that she is going to have a baby. The type of such symptom women have varies and can include the following, which are some of the most common.

Changes in Menstruation

The first early pregnancy symptom a woman experiences is often changes in menstruation. In some cases, women will notice that they did not get their period when they were expecting it. This can be an early sign of pregnancy or it can be a sign of other issues in the body. Missing your period is not always a sign of pregnancy but it can be for many women who notice it if they monitor their periods.

In some women, the early pregnancy symptom is not missing their period but changes in the amount of blood that is lost during their period. Women may have a very heavy period instead of a light one or their period may be a lot lighter than normal. Any changes in menstruation can possibly be an early pregnancy symptom.

Changes in the Body

One of the changes in a woman's body that can be an early pregnancy symptom is weight gain. If a woman gains weight when she is not eating or working out any differently than before, it may be an early symptom of pregnancy. Tender and sore breasts may also indicate that a woman is pregnant. These are symptoms that prompt many women to take a pregnancy test.

Some women find that early on in the pregnancy, they feel nauseated, which is another early pregnancy symptom. This is also referred to as morning sickness and can be mild or in some cases very severe and hard to miss. It is a strong sign that a woman is pregnant so it is another reason women go and buy a pregnancy test.

Changes in Eating Habits

Often, one of the early signs of pregnancy is a change in the way a woman eats, which can include cravings for foods you don't normally eat and disliking foods you used to enjoy. Women are often said to crave pickles and ice cream if they are pregnant, and some actually do. The cravings that women have vary, though, from sweets to meat to fruits and vegetables. In some cases, women find they cannot tolerate certain foods. This is an early pregnancy symptom as well. The sight, smell or taste of what used to be their favorite foods may make them feel ill. They may eat like they normally would only to find that they feel sick afterward.

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