Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The evolution of the line of Yoga Certification

Education, training and education, yoga teachers, with Web 2.0 applications, has its adherents, but the technique is not favored by all. There are arguments against the timeless technology. People have argued against almost all modern comforts.

Although we have no reference to him, people first check the fire must be respected, the strength of their colleagues are members of the tribe. In this sense we can say that yoga is not practiced reading.But how often we refer to classical texts and texts to be done? The truth is that it refers to books all the time - they are old, contemporary, or e-books.

Although universities to use it, you can argue against the use of Yoga Video DVD, videotape, or online. The argument is that teachers can not see in the video, the quality of your techniques. This is true, but we are training for yoga teachers - not novices.

Meaning no disrespect to the newcomers - all of usthe beginning, but most address the practice of yoga DVD as if you are familiar with the existing doctrine. There is room for error here, if you practice together with a video and have no knowledge of Yoga.

In the hands of a yoga teacher, a DVD is a powerful resource. How many times you want a live debate, lecture, lesson or return to the past? While the display is not practiced, DVDs and videos online yoga are usefulLearning tools. What is ironic is still: Nearly all teacher training yoga books and DVDs, which of course the compliment.

So why have a debate on the means of education? As you get older, there is resistance to change. I still attend meetings with a notebook and take notes. The ritual of writing and drawing on paper an idea or concept makes more sense.

Unfortunately, this feeling does not happen when I use a laptop, but it is also a valuableLearning tool, and most of us can type faster than you write more clearly. The question is: can we learn from art, not take over our lives.

The ease of integration of technology in our education yoga should not be fought, but we can not allow technology to control our lives. We all witnessed technological change courtesy and manners. Mobile phones and SMS messages can interrupt the sacred and precious moments.

Worse is thatSpeaking of cell phones and SMS caused a fair number of road accidents and deaths. Once again - moderation in all matters, is a key for life.

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