Sunday, October 17, 2010

Check Out Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up with Jill Miller for $10.82

Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up with Jill Miller Review

I completed the Workshop in one sitting prior to completing the Practice. Although the DVD doesn't include traditional strength exercises, I did experience some very light muscle soreness after completing the Workshop but for some reason not after completing the Practice. The Workshop is 38 minutes with the following chapters:

Shoulder Warm Ups: (7:54)
* Epaulet Arm Circles - arm circles with arms bent at elbow
* Pranic Bath - difficult to explain but a very nice fluid movement
* Anahata Arm Swings - swinging in front and in back, first touching hands and then clasping
* Pendulum Arm Swings - swinging up and over, each arm going in opposite direction
* Danda Kriya - using a rod for three different stretching/flexibility exercises. I did not have a rod that was long enough so used a strap instead, although a rod would have been nice for the last movement.

Flexion/Extension: (5:46)
* Arms in Flexion - movements with arms raised overhead, including arm circles
* Double Extension - arms clasped in back and raising up as high as you can go
* Yogini Mudflap Girl & Andrey's Rack - two poses sitting on floor with arms extending in back of you
* Shoulder Shrugs
* Lat Lengthener - uses a table or ledge to stretch the lat muscles as you lean over

Internal/External Rotation: (5:06)
* Three uniquely named poses with emphasis on rotation of the shoulder. The last pose (Holy Cow at the Trough), is done leaning forward with your elbows bent and resting on a ledge, pressing a yoga block between your hands, and slowly walking your elbows closer and closer together. A second version of Holy Cow is done pushing back and forth with your hands.

Protraction/Retraction: (8:15)
Protraction is drawing shoulder blades together; retraction is reaching forward for separation of the shoulder blades
* Protraction/Retraction Pushups - The emphasis here is on protraction/retraction of the shoulder, not on pushups
* Prone stretch with arms crossed in front of body
* Body Surfing - prone with arms stretched overhead, pulling yourself forward and then backwards across the floor (you will need a blanket over a smooth floor for this)
* Open Sesame - lying prone, spread arms out, roll over on to one shoulder so arm is stretched in back, adjusting hips to put feet on ground, and reaching the other arm up and over to try meet with the other hand in back

Detraction: (2:56)
* ¼ upward bow at wall - looks like an overhead tricep stretch, pulling your elbow in towards the head with the other hand, except that your upper hand is against a wall

Dolphin/Downward Dog: (4:07)
Putting everything together to show how it is used in these common poses.
* Dolphin with external rotation
* Downward Dog with Bent Elbows - challenges the strength of external rotation as your elbows rotate in
* Dolphin to Dog Pushups - Start in Dolphin with external rotation, and move through bent elbow Dog into straight arms, back into Dolphin

The Practice is 43 minutes, putting each of these moves together and adding a few reps.

Round out the practice using the extras on the DVD to work the forearms and hands:
* Forearm grips (2 min)
* Wrist/Palm/Forearm Stretch (2 min)
* Blackberry stretch for the thumb (1 min)
The final Extra is arm circles on the wall (3 min) to stretch the pectoralis muscles.

There is also a Directions of Movement Primer (2 min) that explains the 12 directions of movement for the shoulder.

All in all, I really enjoyed this DVD. I felt it did a great job of working the shoulders from each possible direction and feel that it may help prevent future issues. I liked the focus on mobility versus strength. I don't really have shoulder problems, so the difficult part will be finding a way to work it into my rotation. But I am glad to have in in my library.

Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up with Jill Miller Feature

  • Yoga fitness DVD specific to issues of the shoulders
  • For all fitness levels
  • Consult your physican before beginning this or any fitness routine

Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up with Jill Miller Overview

Create Dynamic Freedom in Your Shoulders! Join acclaimed yoga teacher Jill Miller for Yoga Link - Shoulder Shape-Up, a unique Yoga-based practice specifically designed to break through the weakness and congestion in your shoulders caused by the unhealthy habits of our modern lifestyles. Unlock the mobility of your shoulders and arms and reconnect to the natural dexterity buried within. This series of extraordinarily deep shoulder and upper back exercises is designed to mobilize the shoulders from every angle, strengthen and rebalance weak muscles, and cultivate freedom in the breath. Yoga Link - Shoulder Shape-Up is a perfect complement to your current yoga, dance or fitness practice. Highlights from this DVD include: Shoulder Workshop - detailed exercise instruction (38 min); Shoulder Practice - a full routine for regular practice (43 min); Breathing Primer - essential breathing techniques (15 min); Bonus exercises for the wrists and hands.

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Customer Reviews

BENEFICIAL AND PRACTICAL - Mini Marshmallow - Bergen County, NJ
I have found a worthy series of yoga DVDs that are truly helpful and effective. This is my second one of the YOGA LINK series. To gain mainly flexibility for your shoulders, this DVD features the usual breathing primer, workshop and the practice. A bonus here is the shoulder extras, 2 minute movements. The props used are a yoga block, mat, dowel, and a ledge. The exercises include extensions, rotations, shrugs, push-ups. You'll be mostly standing, but you'll also be on the floor. I highly recommend to do the workshop first because the moves are very new. It's just a little longer than the practice, which is 43 minutes.

Shoulder Shape up with Jill Miller - Audrey Christian - Arkansas,USA
This DVDYoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up with Jill Miller practice is wonderful! I have had two frozen shoulders and countless weeks of PT, without ever geeting full rage of motion back in my shoulders. Jill shows how to do theses movements(saftley)to widen the range of motion and also tone the muscles in shoulders, upper back and arms.

Shape Up Series - Un francais en angleterre - Londres, UK
I really like Jill Miller's Shape Up Series. The common principle within the Series is that there's a workshop section where Jill Miller gives a clear explanation of the exercises and a practice section which obviously is meant to lead you during your practice. Compared to hips and core, the shoulder work out is easier and shorter (a good thing in my view as the only criticism I have of the other 2 workouts is that they're a bit long). Even if you don't do yoga you should be able to follow this one and I'd imagine you'd benefit tremendously from it. My girlfriend has often pain in her neck and typically manages to get better by working on her shoulders with this DVD.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 17, 2010 07:50:13

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