Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Correcting Posture Through Yoga

You might not already know, but the leading pain in America is back pain. Of which costs America and countless other countries billions of dollars each year. However it isn't just the economy that suffers with an individual's back pain; life simply is difficult to keep up with when your back is aching.

From time to time every work-place will be effected by back pain, whether it be higher up in the food-chain or an average worker. We all loose out when we suffer from lower or upper back pain.

As you might already know from previous visits to the doctor, our spinal column is made up of thirty three individual bones. All of which combine to make a small S-like curve in our backs for strength. The back is meant to give us a large degree of flexibility forward , and side to side. However bending backward is somewhat limited. It is this limitation that is often times exhausted by the average human. Allowing us to tear surrounding muscle groups and ligaments resulting in severe or chronic back pain.

More than thirty million Americans suffer from lower back pain, often times resulting due to poor or improper posture. Causing weak back muscles and inadequate flexibility throughout their body. However, some cases may be caused simply by a lack of movement or mobility. As you sit at your desk for countless hours, you rarely think to stretch your back muscles or keep track of your posture. Often times too distracted by work. Regardless of your hectic work schedule though, you should always try to keep your body's posture in mind.

Another leading cause of improper posture is obesity. If you are obese and have seen your doctor due to back pain, he or she has probably explained the problems it will cause. Often times your abdominal walls are lined with much more weight than they are meant to support. Causing your back to take the load off, and turning to excruciating pain.

Regardless of the cause, poor posture can reap havoc on your life. For this reason your doctor will probably prescribe you numerous types of pain killers. However, there are means to treat the cause rather than the symptoms. Yoga has been used to treat poor posture and the resulting pain for decades. However if you aren't sure of the positive influence that yoga will have on your poor posture. You may choose to read through this three-part article series dedicated to helping you ease the pain in your back through yoga.

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