Saturday, November 6, 2010

Check Out AM-PM Yoga :: Start and End Your Day in a Great Way!

AM-PM Yoga :: Start and End Your Day in a Great Way! Review

AM-PM Yoga :: Start and End Your Day in a Great Way! Feature

  • 90 minutes of instruction
  • Ravi Singh and Ana Brett teach you the moves

AM-PM Yoga :: Start and End Your Day in a Great Way! Overview

Shine like the sun with Kundalini Yoga's special blend of breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, and more! Get all your fitness needs covered in this conveniently chaptered, easy-to-follow DVD. AM/PM Yoga features two 25 min. sets (Rise & Shine, and Unwind from the Daily Grind) to help you start and end your day in a great way! Not only will you gain strength, flexibility, and energy, but the added meditations will help you de-stress and make great gains on the inner planes. Sleep deep, wake up inspired, and seize the day! Total Running Time: 90 min.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 06, 2010 15:20:22

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