Advanced yoga practice requires more energy, strength and elasticity of the body, as provided for intermediate level and easy. If you master the basic inversions and balances, turns, spins, stretches, then you're ready for more advanced yoga postures. The Crow, Peacock and Crane poses little 'by force of arms reached after practice. Crow set the living body, the centralized power of the mind and brings absolute peace and strength. Crane Pose agoE 'in self-sufficient and powerful. Peacock position benefits the digestive organs such as the blood is concentrated on them and their condition is better. The exercise is a good treatment of obesity, constipation and hemorrhoids. Flying Crow and Firefly to work postures for the poor.
Once the legs are stronger, you can see the monkey. It's good for stretching the hamstrings and groin. Pigeon practiced standing posture. It expands the pool area, stimulated and liquidity The fluidity of the body. Re Dancer Asana you up. Increases the balance of the body, the legs are stronger, and are a little 'back. Before a standing asana you give a few minutes to "center" standing with legs apart, palms in prayer position in front down the heart. Then you breathe through your nose and exhale through the mouth. This allows the muscles to relax and take a pose slightly. Center helps to develop focus and attitude.
Asstudents of Yoga, you will get a balanced body and coordinated on a regular basis. This will help you with advanced asana and also in your everyday life, picking up or lifting heavy objects or move in a crowded place, without damage to your body. provide inverse requires stability. It supports the youth and vitality of the body and helps prevent premature aging occurs. Its effect is manifested in the skin fresh and unwrinkled. This exercise is also good for the jobthyroid. Headstand, commonly known as the king of asanas which brings many rewards. Care nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, anxiety and even boredom. Improves blood circulation and stimulates the organs and glands. The memory is helped by it. In general, the physical and mental health is restored by this exercise.
Wheel pose is a difficult position, which requires advanced and builds the resilience of the upper back, arms and shoulders. Makes the body more powerful. It also acts as a tonicthroughout the body, especially the cardiovascular system. Initially, if you have difficulty in achieving the installation, try the variation Bridge. adjusted with this attitude you lengthen the spine and ease the tightness felt in the upper back and shoulders. Once the body is smooth, you can experiment Wheel pose and the duration and increase the number of times you practice. Camel pose is also recommended that you save in your yoga routine. This is also a good exercise forElongation of the spine, shoulders, arms and back muscles. Always remember not to overdo it and run down, the pain is an indication to stop.
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